- 嗷嗷 ouch
- 对等 upsides
- 一等 A-one
- 哺 evening meal
- 雁群嗷嗷地飞过。 Flocks of honking geese flew past.
- 等於 equal to
- 那狗嗷嗷地叫着抓门。 The dog whined and scratched at the door.
- 等着 wait
- 等分 part
- 他气得嗷嗷直叫,就揍我,往死里揍我。 He cried out angrily and began to hit me as hard as he could.
- 等号 equal sign
- 女人们眼含泪水,蹲在火堆旁。孩子们嗷嗷大哭,大家都很饿。 The women crouched by the fire, the wet smoke in their eyes; the children wailed; everybody was hungry.
- 低等 inferior
- 稍等一下 wait a jiffy
- 唱完以后,大家齐声为"哈德莱堡的纯洁以及我们的十八位不朽代表"欢呼,末尾又嗷嗷了几声。 and finishing up with cheers and a tiger for "Hadleyburg purity and our eighteen immortal representatives of it."
- 等不及 can't wait (for sth.)
- 对等的 peer to peer
- 下等 inferiority
- 等比 geometric proportion
- 等相 constant phase