- 喂!是谁在那儿议论我? Hullo! Who's that, taking my name in vain?
- 喂!是谁在那儿议论我? Hullo! Who's that, taking my name in vain?
- “我知道你在那儿。不管你是谁,”看守喊道,“你要不马上出来,我就放狗咬你。” "I know you're there,whoever you are," the watchman called. "and if you don't show yourself a minute I'll set the dog on you."
- 一年之后我又回到这里。其实走过那条街并不难,关键是谁在对面等你。 It wasn"t so hard to cross that street after all. It all depends on who was waiting for you on the other side.
- 别坐在那儿犹豫了,你答应过陪我出去吃饭的,快去换衣服,我们走吧。 Don't sit there humming and hawing; you promised to take me out to dinner so get changed and let's go.
- 我无意中听到一些议论我丈夫的粗鲁话。 I overheard some cruel remarks about my husband.
- “下届总统是谁”这个问题又成了人们的热门话题。 The question "Who will be the next president?" is at the front again.
- 发觉你们一直在议论我,并不令人感到意外,因为我觉得耳朵整天都在发烧。 It's no surprise to discover you've been discussing me; I feel my ears burning all day.
- 他向后看是谁在跟着他。 He looked backwards to see who was following him.
- 那边有很多人挤在一起,一定是梵高的《向日葵》在那儿。 That must be Van Gogh's sunflower there, where all the people are crowded around.
- 是谁在散布流言蜚语? Who's been hawking gossip about?
- "是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。" "Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours."
- 我想知道的是谁在竞争中获胜了。 What I want to know is who won in the contest.
- `谁在那儿?'`只有我。' `Who's there?' `Only me.'
- 你一定要确定每一条引文的作者是谁。 You must pin down every quotation to its author.
- 在我和博坐在那儿的15分钟里,她一言不发,纹丝未动。 In the fifteen minutes that Beau and I sat with Katherine,she never said a word and never moved.
- 撞船时是谁在掌舵? Who was on the bridge when the collision took place?
- 到办公室去找他是没有用的,因为他大部分时间不在那儿办公。 It is no good calling at his office and expecting to see him,for half his time he isn't there.
- 是谁在那么大声吵嚷的? Who's kicking up all that rumpus?
- 但每次大型比赛,当我抬头环视看台时,那顶熟悉的软呢帽总在那儿。 But for all the big games,when I looked over at the sideline,there was that familiar fedora.