- 唇颊软组织X线检查 extradental intraoral radiographic examination
- 下肢软组织X线检查 Soft tissue X-ray of lower limb
- 目的探讨以SMAS-颈阔肌为蒂的颏下部肌皮瓣修复唇颊部皮肤及软组织缺损的方法。 Objective To report a method of repairing skin defects of lip-cheek by using a interior chin myocutaneous flap with SMAS-platysma pedicel.
- 在线 in-line
- 唇颊面 [医] facies labialis buccalis
- 钼靶X线检查 x-ray mammography
- 拼写检查 spelling
- 创伤性唇颊缺损畸形修复126例 Reconstruction of deformities and defects of lip and cheek induced by trauma : a report of 126 cases
- 胎盘软组织X线摄影 soft tissue x-ray placentography
- 正常牙合青年牙冠唇颊面中心区轮廓研究 A Study on Central Zone Contour of Tooth-crown Vesticular Surface Among Young People with Normal Occlusion
- 胎盘软组织X线摄影术 soft tissue x-ray placentography
- 视神经孔位在眼外伤X线检查中的应用价值(附视神经孔位32例报告) Practical value of optic foramen view in the X-ray examination of eye injury(report of 32 cases)
- 用局部粘骨膜瓣、局部粘骨膜瓣加唇颊沟粘骨膜?、局部粘骨膜瓣加舌侧边?为先天性齿槽突裂植骨的覆盖组织。 Regional mucoperiosteal flap with labiobuccal groove mucoperiost-eal flap can cover the bone grafting closely,it gives the alveolar bone a normalcontour and need not second vestibuloplasty.
- 膝软组织X线摄影[术] Radiography of soft tissue of knee
- 肘软组织X线摄影[术] Radiography of soft tissue of elbow
- X线定位下取四肢软组织火药枪弹丸78例体会 Removal of prjectile pellets of roer from soft tissues of extremities under X-ray localization: experiences with 78 cases
- 在线检查 online review
- 踝软组织X线摄影[术] Radiography of soft tissue of ankle
- X-线检查 X-ray inspection
- 胎盘软组织X线摄影(术) soft tissue x-ray placentography