- 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides.
- 我被这个惊人的想法吸引住了。
I was attracted by the striking idea.
- 这座哥特式的大教堂吸引了世界各地的游客。
This Gothic cathedral has attracted visitors from all around the world.
- 政府正在试图吸引更多资金投资到造船业方面来。
The government is trying to attract more investment into the shipbuilding industry.
- 今年的花展吸引了大批观众。
The flower show attracted large crowds this year.
- 她具有极具吸引力的性格。
She has a magnetic personality.
- 紫禁城对外国旅游者来说是个有巨大吸引力的地方。
Forbidden City is a great magnet for foreign tourists.
- 她是漂亮,而不吸引人。
She is pretty rather than attractive.