- 吞声 to swallow one's cries
- 吞声屏息 with breathless anxiety
- 声 noise
- 吞声饮气 swallow the voice and hold the breath
- 忍让 self-surrender
- 吞声暗泣 swallow a sob
- 吞 to swallow
- 大声 loudly
- 有声读物 talking book
- 西方人认为忍让是无能。 Westerners believe that self-surrender is incapability.
- 原声 original sound
- 吞下 englut
- 零忍让 "zero-tolerance" rule
- 声卡 sound card
- 云吞 Wanton
- 有声 sound
- 私吞 pocket
- 出声 phonate
- 吞拿鱼 yaito tuna; sturgeon
- 音乐之声 The Sound of Music - 1965