- 吞吐其辞 to hem and haw one's words
- 其 its
- 部长对失业问题闪烁其词。 The minister hedged on the question of unemployment.
- 他借分别时的机会,通过闪烁其词的暗示对姑娘进行试探。 He had taken the opportunity of sounding the girl in the broken hints he threw out at parting
- 吞吐 to take in and send out (in large quantities)
- 与其 it's better ... than ...
- 他们确实对那个问题闪烁其词。 They really waffled on that question.
- 顺其自然 let nature take its course
- 主持词 chair words
- 其后 thereafter
- 构词 word-building; word-formation
- 其自身 proprietary
- 电气工程及其自动化 Electrical Engineering and Its Automation
- 与其给折扣,不如减价。 Better reduce the price than allow a discount.
- 从其 thereout
- 究其原因 trace it to its cause
- 晚上的其时间用来开展文体活动。 The rest of the evening was given over to sports and games.
- 一方面支持停火,但另一方面对于双方停火后怎么办则含混其词。 Support of the cease-fire was coupled with considerable vagueness as to what the parties were supposed to do afterward.
- 望其项背 approach somebody's greatness
- 年代从某一具体日期算起的一段时间,也用作其年代系统的根据 A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.