- 把方向盘往右边转转,好修正驾驶上的偏差。
Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering.
- 在你的右边能看到那个邮局。
You'll see the post office on your right.
- 从右边驶来的车辆享有优先通行权。
Vehicles coming from the right have priority.
- 请你往右边移一点好吗?
Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right?
- 你可以从右边楼梯上去。
You can go up the staircase on the right.
- 我从左边干到右边,他从右边干到左边。
I work from left to right, he works contrariwise.
- 你可以拧电视上右边的旋钮把它打开。
You may turn the right knob on the TV to switch it on.
- 道路有个急转弯拐向右边。
The road curved sharply to the right.