- 大叫 yell
- 啼叫 crow
- 叫床 call out-bed
- 你叫什么名字 what is your name
- 公鸡在农家场院里啼叫。 The cock crowed in the farmyard.
- 不叫 no bid
- 鸟叫 chirp
- 叫停 halt
- 被叫 to-be-called
- 狗叫 bark
- 猫叫 miaow
- 叫板 challenge; pick a quarrel
- 叫春 troat
- 鸡叫 cockcrow
- 叫出 name
- 我的名字叫 My name's ...
- 这样浪费,真叫人看了心疼。 It makes one's heart ache to see such waste.
- 我的英语课很无聊,老师总叫我们背单词。 My English lesson is boring, the teacher always asks us to recite words.
- 她看到帐单上的数目吓得叫起来。 She exclaim in astonishment at the size of the bill.
- 看门狗大声吠叫吓走了窃贼。 The watchdog scared away the thief by barking.