- 号 roar
- 发 to send out
- 一个严厉的父亲和丈夫总是想对别人发号放令。 A stern father and husband always dictates to his family
- 五号 the fifth
- 发件人 addresser
- 号令 order
- 司令发号命令的地方。 the place from which a commander performs the functions of command.
- 帐号 account number
- 自动发号器 automatic number sender
- 发牌 deal
- 单号 odd numbers
- 一号 first day of the month
- 并发 be complicated by
- 发货单 invoice
- 六号 6th day of the month
- 洗发水 shampoo
- 军号吹响前进的号令。 The bugle sounded as the troops advanced.
- 待发 due out
- 三号 thirds
- 发工资 payoff