- 快速反射镜双X-Y轴控制的仿真研究 Simulative research on dual X-Y axis control of fast steering mirror
- 带有双X型铁心框架的超导MRI磁体的设计 Preliminary design of a superconducting magnet which has iron core with dual X shape for MRI
- 双 pair
- 一个可能为X染色体显性遗传的单一镫骨畸形家系的临床研究 Clinical study of a single congenital stapes malformation with possible X-linked dominant inheritance
- 双击 double-click
- 染色体 chromosome
- 双语 diglossia
- X染色体倒位伴X连锁无汗性外胚叶发育不良一个家系的产前诊断 Prenatal diagnosis of X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with X-chromosome inversion
- 一双 pair
- 脱离X染色体 detached X
- 双赢 Win-win
- X染色体 X chromosome
- 双色 two-tone color
- 双线 crewel
- 脆X染色体 fragile X chromosome
- 双字 double word
- 复X染色体 compound X-chromosomes
- 双倍 doubling
- 无双 peerlessness
- 伴X染色体的 X