- 凶恶 fierce
- 凶恶的 tough
- 老太太咳得很厉害。 The old lady had a bad cough.
- 我的头疼得很厉害。 My head was throbbing.
- 她因害怕心跳得厉害。 Her heart fluttered with fear.
- 这个人的样子真凶恶。 The man looks really ferocious.
- 斗牛士被牛角撞伤得很厉害。 The bullfighter was badly gored.
- 凶恶的相貌 a ferocious look
- 他胸部痛得很厉害。 He has a severe pain in the chest.
- 那只狗变得很凶恶。 The dog turned ugly.
- 约翰整天叫胃痛得厉害。你最好让他上床休息,并去请位医生。 John's been complaining of severe stomach pains all day. You'd better send him to bed and call the doctor.
- 人民受著凶恶而专制的军政权的压迫。 The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime.
- 她直起身子时,背部的疼痛更厉害了。 As she straightened up, the ache in her back grew worse.
- 凶恶奸险 Cruel and malicious
- 他的背疼得很厉害. He has excruciating backache.
- 凶恶的脸 a sinister face
- 风刮得更厉害了。 The wind was blowing worse.
- 凶恶的进攻 a murderous attack
- 斜视得厉害 have a bad squint
- 凶恶的行为 black deeds