- 南半球上哪个城市最大? What is the largest city in the southern hemisphere?
- 世界上最大的城市包括日本的东京和中国的上海。 The largest cities of the world include Tokyo, Japan and Shanghai, P. R. C.
- 历史上所测到的最大波浪在太平洋中高达三十四米。 The largest measured wave in history rose in the Pacific Ocean to a height of thirty-four meters.
- 美国当时拥有最大的商船队。 America had the largest mercantile marine.
- 我尽了最大的努力恢复镇静。 I did my best to regain my composure.
- 他们把那棵榆树低垂在公路上的最大的枝子砍掉了。 They have lopped away the biggest of the branches of that elm overhanging the road.
- 他统治着世界上最大的国家。 He swayed the biggest nation in the world.
- 打网球是他最大的乐趣之一。 Playing tennis is one of his greatest satisfactions.
- 大象是现有的最大的陆上动物。 The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.
- 发现了最大的钻石了吗? Has the ultimate diamond been found?
- 她一生中对她影响最大的是她父亲。 The dominant influence in her life was her father.
- 他年龄最大的孩子才上六年级。 His eldest child is still in the sixth form.
- 鲸是世上最大的哺乳类动物。 The whale is the largest mammal in creation.
- 鲸是全世界最大的哺乳动物。 The whale is the largest mammal in all creation.
- 这是我们时代最大的危险。 This is the supreme danger of our times.
- 她把最大的苹果留给自己。 She kept the largest apple for herself.
- 傲慢是他品格上的最大缺陷. Pride was the greatest flaw in his personality.
- 海运最大的缺点是速度慢。 Slow speed is the chief drawback of sea shipment.
- 我最大的忧虑很快成了现实。 My worst fears were quickly realized.
- 新西兰最大的城市和最主要的港口。 the largest city and principal port of New Zealand.