- 义 righteousness
- 专升本 upgrade from junior college student to university student; students with the diploma of junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study
- 近义词 near synonym
- 拉升 draw high
- 反义 antonymy
- 升任 preferment
- 近义词词汇 thesaurus
- 步步高升 Rise Step by step
- 不义 recreancy
- 直升 go straight up to
- 一词多义 polysemy
- 升国旗 raise national flag
- 降升 falling-rising
- 预定义 predefine
- 擢升 promote
- 多义 polysemy
- 抬升 lifting
- 反义的 antonymous
- 升力 lift force
- 实义动词 notional verb