- 在山顶上有一座十丈高的宝塔。 On the top of the hill there is a pagoda about a hundred feet high.
- 浦软红鹰网络服务行为监控系统 Puruan Red Hawk Network Service Monitoring System
- 她把一段段片头递给她的助手拼接时,用软红铅笔匆匆作上记号。 She made swift marks in soft red pencil, giving the strips to her assistant to splice and file.
- 她把一段段片头递给她的助手拼接时,用软红铅笔匆匆作上记号。 She made swift marks in soft red pencil, giving the strips to her assistant to splice and file.
- 丈 ten feet
- 红酒 red wine
- 十张 dicker
- 红人 a favourite by sb. in power
- 微软雅黑 Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 万丈 lofty or bottomless
- 十面埋伏 ambush on all sides
- 微软公司 Microsoft corporation
- 红字 rubrication
- 十强 top ten
- 软体 software
- 腮红 blusher
- 附寄十美元支票,请查收。 Enclosed please find a check for ten dollars.
- 软键 soft keys
- 红地毯 red carpet
- 十年间 decennium