- 顾炎武"寓封建之意于郡县之中"思想浅析 On Gu Yanwu's Thinking of "Residing Feudal Ideas in County"
- 于 at
- 而在理想的世界之中,似乎又更钟意于佛教一些。 Nevertheless, in an ideal Buddhist and Taoist world, the author prefers the Buddhist one.
- 哀莫大于心死 there is no grief greater than the death of the mind
- 愚于处子之婚盟兮,窃纵意于君之诺。白雪皑皑兮,君挽妾身;妾意甚欢兮,聆圣诞钟鸣。 Down to us, in your arms I am lifted up. The chiming of Christmas bell!
- 回心转意 change one's mind
- 致力于 commit oneself to
- 于心有愧 have a guilty conscience; have something on one's conscience
- 意于为病人治疗、诊断、预防疾病的按药理学的作用和分类作为一种医疗产品的任何气体或混合气体。 Any gas or mixture of gases intended to be administered to patients for therapeutic, diagnostic or prophylactic purposes using pharmacological action and classified as a medicinal product.
- 倾向于 be inclined to
- 心猿意马 indecisive or restless
- 相对于 relative to
- 不同于 be differ from
- 习惯于 be conditioned to
- 父亲的话我铭记于心。 My father's words are inscribed on my memory.
- 作品说明:陈子奋曾云:“刻朱文须留意于白,刻白文须留意于朱,求之实者,必意之虚,求之此者,必意于彼,庶几变化在手,元气淋漓。” Remark: Chen Zhi-Fen said: "characters carved in relief needs to be noticed at the empty part, characters cut in intaglio needs to be noticed at characters on a seal carved in relief, showing the changes of the chop impression (such as composition of picture)".
- 交集于心 To throng on one's mind
- 他内疚于心,深感不安。 He was harrowed with guilt.
- 不快于心 Not pleased
- 困于心 be distressed in mind