- 摇动旗子呐喊为别人助阵。喻为他人助长声势 Wave flags and shout battle cries; bang the drum for sb., Sound the clarion
- 助长 encourage
- 揠苗助长 too much zeal spoil all
- 新闻界为这一演出大造声势。 The press has given the show a tremendous build-up.
- 这将助长地区内的酗酒风气。 It will put a premium on drinking in the district.
- 声势 (n) momentum
- 助长不满 to foster discontent
- 壮声势 to lend impetus and strength; to make it appear more vigorous and impressive
- 声势火亘 赫 One's influence is majestic and powerful
- 他们开始为记事而书写,助长并固定了他们的诗歌传统。 They began to write for record, to help and fix their bardic tradition.
- 后来,我们越来越大胆,并且想出了一些声势盛大的宣传。 Later we got bolder and developed a more aggressive approach.
- 别替她做事,这会助长她的懒惰。 Don't encourage her laziness by doing things for her.
- 声势煊赫 One's influence is majestic and powerful
- 贫穷往往助长犯罪。 Poverty often encourages crime.
- 声势凌人 overwhelm the weaker with excessively strong language
- 倒摄助长 retroactive facilitation
- 广造声势 give wide publicity
- 但是,对于白人观众来说,这种想像助长了人们的幻觉。 But for white viewers, this sort of imagery encourages a fantasy.
- 声势显赫 have the majestic and powerful influence
- 父母的纵容助长了这个孩子的坏习惯。 Indulgence of the parents confirmed the boy in bad habits.