人口学家和地理学家把缓慢的情形都归咎于不景气,加州情形尤为严重,以致加州一度蓬勃的经济竟然在全国复苏中落在各州之后。 Demographers and geographers attribute the slowing largely to the recession, which has hit California particularly hard, leaving its once-robust economy to bring up the rear of the national recovery.
我们由陆路开车到加州还是坐飞机去呢? Shall we drive overland or fly to California?
位于圣地亚哥的加州大学鲍威尔建筑实验室试制出了新的桥梁建筑材料,如碳和玻璃纤维聚合体。 The Powell structural research lab at the university of California at San Diego tests new bridge materials such as carbon and fiberglass polymers.
格林教授不久前在普林斯顿任教,现在是加州大学的系主任。 Professor Green, lately of Princeton, is now head of the department at California.