- 剧 play
- 臭 stink
- 电影剧 photodrama
- 韩剧 South Korean TV soaps
- 臭的 odoriferous
- 剧集 anthology
- 臭美 show off shamelessly; be disgustingly smug
- 日剧 Japanese TV play
- 除臭 deodorization
- 肥皂剧 soap opera
- 臭鼬 skunk
- 短剧 playlet
- 古装剧 costume piece
- 防臭 deodorize
- 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。 The hunter snared a skunk.
- 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。 Many heads are better than one.
- 默剧 dumb show
- 臭脸 dirty look
- 影剧 talent
- 臭名 reclame