- 前C区1896位终止变异 pre-C 1896 "stop" mutation
- 王小飞,刘华瑞,王锦蓉,等.乙型肝炎和肝癌患者乙型肝炎病毒前c区1896位点突变的研究[J].中华传染病杂志,1996,14:11. Okamoto h,Tsuda F,Akohane Y,et al.Hepatitis B virus with mutation in the e antigen-negative phenotype in Carriers with e antibody to e antigen[J].J Virol,1994,68:8102.
- HBV前C区1896点突变的检测及意义 Detection of 1896 dot mutation located in hepatitis B virus pre C and the clinical significance
- 前C区基因 ene ofpre - c
- 乙型肝炎病毒前C区联合基本核心启动子 The pre-C region of hepatitis B virus combined with basic core promoter
- 方法 应用套式PCR方法对广西 16例原发性肝癌患者血清HBVDNA前C区进行扩增 ,对阳性者用SangerDNA测序法分析。 Methods Nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) was used for amplification of HBV DNA Pre C region in sera collected from 16 patients with PHC in Guangxi, and then their HBV DNA nPCR products were sequenced by Sanger method.
- 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。 In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.
- 两种穗型粳稻穗内粒间直链淀粉含量变异与粒位分布特征 Difference in Amylose Content Variation of Rice Grains and Its Position Distribution Within a Panicle Between Two Panicle Types of Japonica Cultivars
- C区启动子 core promoter
- 30年前他还是孩子的时候就离开了家,从此,他家里人一直没有得到他的消息。 He ran away as a boy thirty years ago, and his family has never heard from him since.
- 30多名党员已经退出了从前的党,成立了一个新的独立的党。 Over30 MPs have now broken away from their old party to form a new, independent one.
- C区核心蛋白 core of protein C region
- "据新闻记者透露,这两个国家在达成和平协议前已经秘密接触多次了。" News men divulged that the two countries had met together secretly several times before they arrived at the peaceful agreement.
- "是不是两年前?" "差不多。" "Was it two years ago?" "There or thereabouts."
- 乙型肝炎病毒核心区基因变异与细胞免疫 Relationship between the HBV core gene mutation and the cellular immunity in host
- 前天一位老朋友来找过我。 An old friend called on me the day before yesterday.
- 3天前他就觉得察出有危险。 He sniffed out the danger three days ago.
- 无位错区 dislocation-free zone
- 在进程终止前,进程标识符在整个系统中唯一地标识进程。 Until the process terminates, the process identifier uniquely identifies the process throughout the system.
- C_3D_3的加氢实验指出,C_2H_3侧配位于Co~I上发生顺位加氢反应。 From IR spectra of hydrogenation products of C2D2, it was shown that the hydrogenation of C2H2 took place at cis-position of C2H2. That is, C2H2 coordinated to CoI(bpy) in side on.