- 发明 invention
- 创作 creation
- 发明的 inventive
- 创作的 creative
- 发明专利 patent of invention
- 艺术创作 artistic creation
- 本发明 present invention
- 人类创作音乐已有数千年历史。 Men have been making music for thousands of years.
- 文学创作 literary creation
- 他发明了一种新型听诊器。 He invented a new type of stethoscope.
- 计算机的发明标志着一个新时代的开始。 The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.
- 新发明 fangle
- 主要从事传记创作的职业 A career entirely devoted to biography.
- 创作过程 production process
- 他天生具有发明才能。 He is endowed with an inventive mind.
- 谁发明了蒸汽机? Who invented the steam engine?
- 创作能力 invention
- 诗的灵感创作诗歌时感受到的灵感 The inspiration involved in composing poetry.
- 发明创造 invention-creation
- 小发明 gizmo