- 有序 order
- 有序的 ordered
- 出言侮辱 utter abusive language
- 出言猥亵 talk smut
- 她出言不当。 Her remarks were out of place.
- 有序地 in an orderly manner
- 出言不慎有时会使朋友反目。 Carelessly spoken words can sometimes unsolder ties of friendship.
- 出言慎重胜过口若悬河。 Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.
- 出言粗鲁的人称她感情麻木。 People who expressed themselves roughly called her stolid.
- 把一个正规文件分成两个有序文件的过程。 The formation of two ordered files from one regular file.
- 她出言不慎把大家窘得哑然无声, 她却有本事一笑置之。 There is an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she is able to laugh it off.
- 文化事业健康有序发展。 Cultural and art undertakings made healthy and orderly progress.
- 他偶一出言不慎让大家都知道了他的秘密。 An unguarded remark let everyone know his secret.
- 消除不利于城镇化发展的体制和政策障碍,引导农村劳动力合理有序流动。 All the institutional and policy barriers to urbanization must be removed and the rational and orderly flow of rural labor guided.
- 谈到是否愿意让帕克离开时他出言谨慎。 He remained cagey as to whether he would let Parker leave.
- 安排有序的 organized
- 一旦出言不慎,信口开河,就有可能引发一场危机。 One careless, ill-prepared speech could precipitate a crisis.
- 半有序 semiorder
- 家里整洁有序的人也是如此。 The same applies to people who have tidy homes.
- 他招致的轻蔑和敌意是由于他出言过于粗率而造成的。 The opprobrium and enmity he incurred were caused by his outspoken brashness.