- 落 leave behind
- 冷血 coldblooedness
- 落下 fall
- 水冷 water-cool
- 落到 befell
- 落魄 abjection
- 变冷 chill
- 冷落的 desolate
- 风冷 wind cooling
- 落在 fall over
- 冷媒 coolant(medium)
- 他因自私而受人冷落。 He was looked down upon because of his egoism.
- 花落 blossoom fall
- 冷剂 cryogen
- 被冷落 out of it
- 怕冷 protect against cold
- 落料 blanking
- 落下的 falling
- 冷血的 hematocryal
- 落落 natural and graceful