- 决定 to decide
- 决定的 settled
- 再决定 redecide
- 决定因素 determinant
- 他坚持自己的信念。 He sticked by his beliefs.
- 一种不可动摇的信念支撑着他。 An unshakable faith sustained him.
- 决定于 be decide by
- 她忠于自己的信念。 She was loyal to her faith.
- 作出决定 come to a decision
- 没有什么东西能动摇他的信念。 Nothing could shatter his faith.
- "确实是的,也许我应该更仔细估算一下旅行费用然后再决定。" "There is that, indeed. Perhaps I should cost my trip more carefully before deciding."
- 这个党的核心成员决定一切。 The hard core in the party make all the decisions.
- 自行决定 write one's own ticket
- "喝杯啤酒?" "不,谢谢。我好不容易决定不再喝酒了的。" "Have a beer." "No thanks. I've signed the pledge at last."
- 他的决定令人感到遗憾。 His decision is made us feeling regretful.
- 他慎重考虑后方做决定。 He debated carefully before he decided.
- 决定了的 determined
- "护士,我什么时候可以回家?" "我想,可能下周末吧,不过,那该由医生决定。" "When will I be allowed to go home, nurse?" "Towards the end of the week, I should think, but it's for the doctor to decide."
- "我独自去旅游,我可以决定什么时候出发上路,在什么地方多玩一会儿。" "Travelling on my own, I can decide when to start on my way and where to linger a little longer."
- 抽签决定 sortilege