- 入黄口 entering into Yellow river mouth
- 入黄水量 water resources
- 引江济渭入黄工程 water transfer from the Yangtze to Yellow River
- 黄 sulfur
- 浅议汾河入黄段河势变迁及影响 Discussion on River Pattern Variation of the Fenhe River's Section of Entering the Yellow River
- 伊洛河夹滩地区对伊洛河入黄洪水的影响 Influence of Beach Between Yi River and Luo River on the Two River Floods into the Yellow River
- 入住 be opened for occupancy
- 买入 buying
- 登入 log in
- 黄页 yellow page
- 放入 interpose
- 接入 switch-in
- 黄钻 Elopichthys bambusa
- 飞黄腾达 make a rapid advance in one's career
- 吸入 to breathe in
- 大黄 rhubarb
- 入股 become a shareholder
- 箱子是黑漆的,车身则是黄漆。 This coffer was painted black, and the cabriolet yellow.
- 计入 reckon in