- 光大国际广场结构加固改造设计 The Structural Reinforcement and Renovation Design of Guangda International Square
- 门楣 door lintel
- 座落在光大店后的花园丛中,是继光大店火爆经营之后应众多客户要求而增设的vip会所。 Located in the garden behind Guang Da Store, our VIP club specially caters to the passionate customers of Guang Da Store.
- 增光门楣 To shed luster to the lintel of a door
- 砖门楣 Brick lintel
- 败坏门楣 To disgrace one's family
- 门楣窗 transom
- 门楣,铁或钢制 lintel door, of iron or steel
- 门楣中心 tympyn
- 败辱门楣 disgrace one's family
- 要让骆驼住,门楣须增高。 He who houses a camel must make his door higher.
- 有辱门楣 have a disgrace to the house
- 玷污门楣 disgrace one's family
- 光耀门楣[庭] bring honour to the family name
- 门上的一个窗户,人们用铰链把它和门楣连在一起的。 a window above a door and hinged to a transom.
- 他把这句话刻在他所办学校的门楣上。 He carved this sentence on the gate of his school.
- 船闸输水廊道门楣研究 Research of the lintel in the veranda of the navigation lock
- 门楣通气加门后通气 gate lintel ventilation plus ventilation behind gate
- 门楣挺矮,他低着头走进去。 He went in, bowing his head under the low lintel.
- 门楣中心在窗子或大门的过梁和拱梁之间的相似的空间 A similar space between an arch and the lintel of a portal or window.