- 银行催我们偿还贷款。
The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan.
- 这家公司不久就能偿还所借的银行贷款。
The company will soon be able to repay its borrowings from the bank.
- 他们要他付损害赔偿金,但他藉口贫穷而不偿还。
They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty.
- 他有一大笔透支要偿还。
He has a huge overdraft to pay off.
- 她债台日高已无力偿还。
Her debts are piling up and she has no money to pay them.
- 法院判决由他偿还债务。
The judge ordained that he should pay the debts.