- 怯懦得活着,如同苟活。 Fran: A life lived in fear is a life half lived.
- 苟且偷生 drag out an ignoble existence
- 光荣而死,好过含辱苟活。 It is better to die with honor than to live with shame.
- 我苟活在最好的生活条件下。 I exist on the best terms I can.
- 偷生 drag out an ignoble existence
- 我受不了了,我真的无法再这样苟活, I overwhelmed. I can't live on a degradation.
- 我宁可死,也不愿忍辱偷生。 I would rather die than live in disgrace.
- 如狮子般称雄一日,胜过如绵羊般苟活百年 It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep
- 忍垢偷生 allow oneself to be insulted to remain alive
- 含辱偷生 swallow the shame and save one's skin
- 忍辱偷生 live with bearing one's shame
- 现在,撒切尔夫人凭借私有化、家庭境况调查、剥夺和分隔,想要把我们推回去,让所有的人要么依靠自己,要么跪着苟活。 And now, Mrs Thatcher, by dint of privatization, and means test, and deprivation, and division, wants to nudge us back into the situation where everybody can either stand on their own feet, or live on their knees.
- 忍辱偷生。 Pocket insults and remain alive.
- 苟且偷生者 survivalist
- 其结果将是:在世界上无论是美国的朋友,还是美国的敌人,都知道自己的处境,即:要么在美国鹰的卵翼下生存,要么在它虎视眈眈下苟活。 The result would be a world in which America's friends and America's adversaries knew where they stood, either under the eagle wing or under its forbidding stare.
- 偷生游击队 evade-birth-guerrilla
- 他宁死而不愿忍辱偷生。 He would rather die than live in dishono(u)r.
- 牺牲名誉,苟且偷生。 They purchase life at the expense of honour.
- 为什么愿意苟且偷生? Are you contented with this?
- 他宁死不愿忍辱偷生。 He would rather die than live in dishonour.