- 敌人进犯,战士们寸土必争。 The soldiers disputed every inch of ground when the enemy attacked.
- 侵扰 to invade and harass
- 百年国耻祭之三联军进犯天津被占 The allied forces invaded and Tianjin was occupied
- 我们必须保卫祖国防御进犯之敌。 We must defend our motherland from the enemy.
- 中国历史上, 匈奴曾多次举兵南下, 进犯中原。 In Chinese history, the Hun went south and attacked the central plains of China.
- 中国历史上,匈奴曾多次举兵南下,进犯中原。 In Chinese history, the Hun went south and attacked the central plains of China.
- 我反对这些侵扰我私生活的行径。 I object to these invasions of my privacy.
- 报纸上这篇文章是对我私生活的侵扰,这种做法很不光彩。 This newspaper article is a disgraceful intrusion into my private life.
- 那些去向不明的航空母舰,并没有掩护向圣贝纳迪诺海峡进犯的舰队。 Those missing flattops weren't covering the oncoming San Bernardino force.
- 那些去向不明的航空母舰,并没有掩护向圣贝纳迪诺海峡进犯的舰队。 Those missing flattops weren't covering the oncoming San Bernardino force.
- 他们侵扰我们的私生活是毫无道理的. Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable.
- 侵扰边境 harass a country's frontiers; make border raids
- 人民解放军正确地执行了毛泽东所制定的作战方针,不断地给进犯的敌人以有力的打击。 It correctly carried out the strategy laid down by Comrade Mao Tse-tung and struck incessant, powerful blows at the invading enemy.
- 侵扰租客 tenancy harassment
- 侵扰反应 intrusion response
- 侵扰误差 intrusion error
- 报纸上的这篇文章是对我私生活的侵扰,这种做法很不光彩。 This newspaper article is a disgraceful intrusion into my private life.
- 确保这么大一片地方完全不受侵扰,这任务看着都吓人。 Keeping an area this big safe seems like an awesome task.
- 再侵扰 reinfestation
- 蚤侵扰 [医] pulicatio