- 侧位倾斜体层照相术 lateral inclined tomography
- 正位倾斜断层成像术,正位倾斜体层X线摄影 anteroposterior inclined tomography
- 体层摄影术X线计算机 Tomography X-ray computed
- 正位倾斜断层成像,正位倾斜体层X线摄影(术) anteroposterior inclined tomography
- X线头颅定位侧位片 cephalometry
- 体层摄影术,X线计算机 Tomography
- 侧位颌骨X线片 lateral jaw radiograph
- 体层摄影技术 Tomography
- 颌骨侧位X线 lateral roentgenogram of jaw
- 夹层体层摄影术 Tomography
- 正位倾斜断层X线摄影 antero-posterior inclined tomography
- 方法:收集93例具有腺样体肥大临床症状的儿童鼻咽部侧位DDR影像; Methods: Lateral DDR imagings of nasopharynx in 93 children patients with clinical symptoms were collected;
- X线体层照片 tomogram
- 休层摄影术,X线计算机 Tomography
- 早期体层摄影术 Tomography
- 头颅侧位X线片检查 lateral head extraoral radiographic examination; profile extraoral radiographic examination
- 正位倾斜体层摄影 inclined frontal tomography
- 下颌骨侧位X线片检查 lateral jaw extraoral radiographic examination
- 单光子发射型计算机体层摄影脑血流灌注显像评估缺氧缺血性脑病新生儿局部脑血流量的分布 Evaluative merit of brain blood perfusion image of single photon emission computed tomography on local brain blood distribution in neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
- X线体层照相术 tomography