- 你杯里有多少水? How much water do you have in your glass?
- 杯里有多少水? How much water is there in the glass?
- 我想知道杯里有多少水。 I wonder how much water there is in the glass.
- 你杯底剩下一些茶。 Some tea left at/in the bottom of your cup.
- 只好随它我且与你杯酒浅斟 Set 'em up, I'll take a drink with you
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂? Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 碗里有多少水? How much water is there in the bowl?
- 格兰古瓦刚刚把嘴唇靠近那令人陶醉的欢乐、凯旋之杯,就有一滴苦汁掺进了杯里。 Scarcely had Gringoire raised this intoxicating cup of triumph and delight to his lips than a drop of bitterness came to mingle with it.
- 那罐子能盛多少水? How much water does the jug hold?
- 他欣然闻了闻杯里的绿茶香味。 He sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably.
- 到目前为止,有多少人访问了你的主页? How many people have accessed your homepage by now?
- 你能听出这段管弦乐曲里有歌剧式的咏叹调吗? Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in this orchestral passage?
- 生素,就如同他们不能限定你喝多少水一样。 There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any.
- 你知道什么每年有多少土地荒漠化吗? Do you know how much arable land has been desolated?
- 他将杯里的水一饮而尽。 He drank the glass of water in one draught.
- 我今天早上看到在公园里有个人慢跑,是你吗? Is it you I espy jogging in the park this morning?
- 你要多少水可以饮用,每天解散清除毒素和废物产品从你的身体? How much water should you be drinking each day to dissolve product waste and flush out toxins from your body?
- 瓶里有多少葡萄酒? How much grape wine is there in the bottle?
- 云把水倒在河的水杯里,它们自己却藏在远山之中。 The clouds fill the watercups of the river,hiding themselves in the distant hills.
- 不知道,有多少国家参加了本届杯赛? No. how many countries have participated in this tournament?