- 你有实际工作经验吗? Do you have any actual work experience?
- 你有做导游的实际工作经验吗?Replies of the applicant应试人回答 Have you any actual experience as a tourist guide?
- 你有导游的工作经验吗?你做过导游吗?你做过导游吗?你有导游经验吗? Have you any experience as a tourist guide? Have you ever worked as Have you ever been Do you have experience as?
- 你有实际的经验吗? D0 you have any actual experience?
- 从成绩单上可以看出你每门课程都学得很好,可我们广告上说我们需要有实际工作经验的会计师。 From your school report card, i know you did well in every course, but our advertisement says we need an accoutant with pratical work experience.
- 你有什么与这份工作有关的工作经验吗? What kind of experience do you have for the job?
- 我有实际的相关工作经验。 I've got working knowledge of it.
- 你有开车的经验吗? Do you have any experience of driving a car?
- 你有兴趣在西尔斯的一个零售店工作吗? Are you interested in working at a Sears Retail Outlet?
- 获得实际工作经验 to have gained practical experience of the work
- 你有编排版面大样的经验吗? Have you had experience in mocking up a page?
- 要选那些努力工作,联系群众,关心群众疾苦,有魄力,有实际经验,能够办事的人。 people who work conscientiously, keep in close contact with the masses and are concerned about their well-being, and are bold, resolute, experienced and professionally competent.
- 你有没有这方面的工作经验? Do you have any work experience in this field?
- 除工作以外,你有其它的特别爱好吗? Do you have any special interest other than your job?
- 具有ERP方面的实际工作经验。 Strong ERP skills are vital, experience with system implementation desirable.
- 你有当厨师的经验吗? Have you got any experience for a cook?
- 有实际动手经验,能独立完成维修工作 Ability to get down to work in case of problems; Extremely practical orientation
- 你有那方面的经验吗? Have you got that sort of experience?
- 你有在麻省理工学院为詹森博士工作过吗? Have you worked for Doctor Jason at M. I. T.?