- 你有东西要申报吗? (指应纳税的东西) Have you anything to declare?
- 你有什么东西要申报吗? Have you anything to declare?
- 你有什么特别的东西要申报吗? Have you got anything particular to declare?
- 你有东西要申报关税吗? Do you have anything to declare?
- 你有什么东西经申报吗? Do you have angthing to declare?
- 如果你有东西需要申报,请走红色通道。 You can go through the red channel if you have anything to declare.
- 你有外币要申报吗? Do you have any foreign currency to delare?
- 路的尽头总有东西在等你如果你不想看是什么你一开始就不应该走上这条路。 There are always something waitting at the end of road If you are not willing to see what this is You probabely shouldn't out there at the first place.
- 我们想知道你有没有相反的意见要说。 We wish to know if you have anything to say in opposition.
- 最后一个问题:我有一些抗过敏的药物,需要申报吗? Okey. And one last question: I have some allergy medication. Do I declare that?
- 你有必要去那里吗? Is there any need for you to go there?
- 第二部分有东西要报关吗 Part Two Anything to Declare
- 你要是指望他买酒请你喝,那你有得等了。 You'll have to wait until kingdom come for him to buy you a drink!
- 我有东西要申报的。 I have something to declare.
- 你通常都做些什么娱乐活动?你有什么爱好吗? What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby?
- 我没有任何东西要申报。 I have nothing to declare.
- 假如你有工作经验,那么你从事过何种与你现在要找的工作有关的工作? What work experience,if any,have you had that related your job objectives?
- 你有什么意见或建议给那些刚进入大公司的新人们吗? Would you give some advice or suggestions for the freshman who wants to enter a top company?
- 你听见有东西在灌木丛中 地移动吗? Did you hear something rustling through the bushes?
- 你有没有听到这次谁要被调动到什么地方? Have you hear anything about who's get transferred to where this time?