- 你怎么这么有把握呢? How can you be so sure?
- 你怎么这么了解棒球比赛呢? How do you know so much about the baseball games?
- 你这么有把握吗? How can you be so sure about that?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 你怎么这么肯定同样的事情不会发生在你身上呢? How can you be so sure the same thing won't happen to you?
- 这么 so (much)
- 你怎么这么笨,竟相信他的话? How can you be so stupid as to believe him?
- 你怎么竟会认为他可能批准这个要求呢? How could you conceive of his granting the demand?
- 你怎么这么快就过来了? How ever did you get here so quickly?
- 你怎么落到这步田地? Why do you get into such a plight?
- 你怎么能为杀死动物取乐的行为辩护呢? How can you defend the killing of animals for pleasure?
- 怎么这么乱呀! What a mess!
- 你怎么忍心将这些小猫儿溺死? How can you find it in your heart to drown these little kittens?
- 她怎么这么傻,竟爱上了他? How could she have been so foolish as to fall in love with him?
- 你怎么就不明白她爱你呢? Can't you get it through your skull that she loves you?
- 你怎么把事情弄得一团糟呢? How could you contrive to make such a mess of things?
- 伯恩: 唔,怎么这么好吃。 Hmm, incredibly tasty!
- 你怎么能看着孩子惨遭折磨而无动于衰? How can you turn away from a child that is being cruelly treated?
- 真想不通,她的身材怎么这么完美? I don't understand how come she has such a perfect body.
- 他老在这儿,你怎么受得了呢? How do you stand him being here all the time?