- 你妈妈周末通常干什么? What does your mother usually do on weekends?
- 你晚上通常干什么? What do you usually do in the evening?
- 不玩游戏时你通常干什么? What do you do when you are not gaming?
- 妈妈 mama
- 学生们每个周末通常都从这些学校骑马回家。 From these schools the pupils usually ride home on horseback every weekend.
- 你妈妈是个乐呵呵的容易相处的人。 Your mother is a jolly, easy-going woman.
- 我周末通常吃烤猪肉。 I usually eat barbeque pork on the weekends.
- 你究竟在干什么? What ever are you doing?
- 要是你妈妈知道你干的事, 她会气坏的! Your mum will go spare if she finds out what you've done!
- 星期六你妈妈经常做什么? What does your mom often do on Saturdays?
- 你知道他想干什么吗? Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 通常你妈妈或你爸爸烤制你的生日蛋糕。 Usually your mother or father bakes your birthday cakes.
- 这周末你干什么? What will you do during this weekend?
- 你上次是什么时候给你妈妈写的信? When did you last write to your mother?
- 他们周末干什么? What do they do on weekends?
- 要是你妈妈发觉你干的事, 你就要倒霉了! If your Mum finds out what you've done,you'll really is in the soup!
- 周末打算干什么去? How are you going to spend your weekend?
- 要是你妈妈发觉你干的事,你就要倒霉了! If your Mum finds out what you've done, you'll really is in the soup!
- 你应该知道你需要什么,不要老问你妈妈. You should know your own mind,don't keep asking your mother.
- 凌晨三点你在干什么? What are you doing at the unholy hour of three in the morning?