- 你喜欢看动物表演吗? Do you enjoy seeing performing animals?
- 卡罗:你喜欢看时装表演吗? Carol: Do you like fashion shows?
- 你喜欢看迪斯尼卡通片吗? Do you enjoy Disney Cartoons?
- 吗 morphine
- 除了舞台魔术,观众们对一些列动物表演十分感兴趣。 In addition to stage magic, audiences were also diverted by a series of animal acts.
- 我不忍心看动物受痛苦。 I hate to see animals suffering.
- 你做过卡巴莱表演吗? Have you done any cabaret?
- 你喜欢学校生活吗? Do you like campus life?
- 我很少下棋,但是喜欢看。 I seldom play chess, but I like to watch.
- 现在有马戏团表演吗? Is there a circus in town?
- 很开心你喜欢我送的礼物。 I'm glad you liked my present.
- 我相当喜欢看排球比赛。 I quite like watching volleyball games.
- 你赞成在舞台上作裸体表演吗? Do you hold with nudity on the stage?
- 我喜欢看插图多的杂志。 I like magazines full of illustrations.
- 你喜欢资本主义吗? Do you like capitalism?
- 问题是:我认为你喜欢摩斯先生。 The problem is, I think you liked Mr. Morse.
- 他去戏剧中心百老汇看了一些表演吗? Did he see some shows on Broadway?
- "免下车"电影对她来讲是件新奇事,她很喜欢看。 The drive-in movie was a novelty to her, and she enjoyed it.
- 如果你喜欢这个座位,我可以跟你交换。 If you prefer this seat,I'll change with you.
- 你喜欢吃西红柿吗? Do you like tomato?