- 你喜欢他的诗么?” How do you like his poetry?"
- “你喜欢他的小说吗?”“不十分喜欢。” 'Do you like his novels?' 'Not especially.'
- ’“你喜欢他的新女友吗?”“一个字,不。” 'Do you like his new girlfriend?' 'To put it in a nutshell, no.
- 我特别喜欢他的诗,生活气息浓,有一种朴素的美。 The seal read "Ah Zhi," and another "I'm eighty years old this year."
- 告诉他其多毛的胸部有阳刚之气或你喜欢他的微笑。 Tell him that his hairy chest is manly or that you love his smile.
- 他的诗带有讽刺性。 His poems participate of the nature of satire.
- 为二台的“你喜欢的协奏曲”节目所新开通的热线电话形式受到了广泛的批评。 The new phone-in formula for Radio 2's request programme "Your Concerto choice" has been widely criticized.
- 他的眼神,嗓音,手势能准确地反映诗歌感情的变化,显示出他的诗才,使人无可指责。 His eye, his voice, his gestures, would respond to the changing sentiment with a precision that revealed a poetic soul and disarmed criticism.
- 你喜欢他的电影吗? Does his film appeal to you?
- 你喜欢那个电视剧吗? How did you enjoy the TV play?
- 他想起了在沃利·塔尔伯触电以后,凯伦写给他的诗。 He was remembering the verses Karen had written him after Wally Talbot's electrocution.
- 我不喜欢他在自己新作中对这一主题的论述。 I do not like his treatment of the theme in his new book.
- 你喜欢摩托车赛吗? Do you like speedway?
- 对那位伟人,我们最喜欢他的谦虚。 What we like the most about the great man is his modesty.
- 他的诗有时达到了晚清诗人的境界。 His poetry sometimes rises to the level of the late Qing poets.
- 你喜欢他的图画吗? How do you like his picture?
- 他的诗是以《爱情与理智》为题发表的。 His poems were published under the title of 'Love and Reason'.
- 你可以不喜欢他,但你不得不佩服他那种坚韧不拔的精神。 You may not like him, but you have got to admire his persistence.
- 他很喜欢他的父亲。 He likes his father very much.
- 将你喜欢的诗收集在一起并让你的朋友们参与进来。 Collect your favourite poems in a notebook and ask your friends to contribute to it.