- 你住在纽约,对吗? You live here in New York, do not you?
- 你住在纽约吗? Is New York City your home?
- 你住在纽约,不是吗? You live in New York, don't you?
- 他们答道:“拉比(犹太人用语:老师),你住在哪儿?” They said:"rabbi'(which means a teacher),where are you staying?"
- 你现在跟你的孩子们一起住在new York对吗? And you're living with your children now? In New York?
- 你住在纽约,是吗? You live in New York,don't you?
- 如果你住在城市的这个地域太危险了。你应该搬到别的地方去。 You are in grave danger if you stay in this part of town. You should move somewhere else.
- 她住在纽约。 She belongs in New York city.
- 你住在哪儿? Where do you live?
- 我们住在纽约(市)。 We live in New York City.
- 你知道,我对他和你住在一起一向不放心。 You know I had been doubtful about his sharing rooms with you.
- 你住在附近吗? Do you live locally?
- 过去三十年我祖母住在纽约市中心,她不曾有搬家的念头。 My grandmother has lived right in the heart of the Big Apple for the last thirty years, and wouldn't think of moving.
- 你住在这个地区吗? Do you live locally(= in this area)?
- 你知道,我对他和你住在一起一向不放心。 You know I had been doubtful about his sharing rooms with you.
- 在巴尔的摩。我们住在巴尔的摩。她也在纽约看过一次。 She saw the play in Baltimore. We live in Baltimore. She saw a play in New York too.
- 你住在这里吗? Do you belong here ?
- 你住在城里的哪一部分? Which part of the town do you live in?
- 聪明人都住在纽约,因为先到那儿的是笨人;这就是聪明人的谋生之道。 The wise people are in New York because the foolish went there first; that's the way the wise man make a living.
- 我明白,罗伯茨先生,我估计你希望住在同区附近,对吗?让我先查看电脑物业资料。(约数分钟后。)先生,你可知道鲁宾逊花园? I see. I guess you prefer remaining in the same neighbourhood. Let me check the computer's property data for you first.(After a few minutes.)Sir, do you know Robinson Garden?