- 你买了新房吗? Have you bought the new house?
- 维维安:你买了甚麽?给我看看吧,《世界最佳波尔卡舞曲》,你疯了吗? Vivian: What did you get? Let me see.“ World's best Polka music”, are you crazy?
- 我已经将我所有的钱买了新房,但愿我不会后悔才好。 I've sunk all my money into buying a new house: I hope I won't be sorry.
- 买 buy
- 你买了辆新车吗? Did you invest in a new car?
- 什么支配你买了这间房子;她怒不可遏。 What possessed you to buy this house? A terrible rage possessed her.
- 你买了今天的《中国日报》了吗? Have you bought today's China Daily?
- 他买了两袋玉米。 He bought two sacks of corn.
- 他给我买了一盒颜料。 He bought me a box of paints.
- 爸爸为我们的新房子买了一个擦鞋垫。 Father bought a new welcome mat for our new house.
- 糟糕!我忘了替你买生日礼物了! Good heavens! I forget to buy your birthday present.
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。 Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 我可以为你买一杯饮料吗? GG: Can I buy you a drink?
- 他买了一包香烟。 He bought a packet of cigarettes.
- 我在这个店里买了三轴线。 I bought three spools of thread at the store.
- 这本书是我特意为你买的。 I bought the book especially for you.
- 我在海滨人行道上买了一些新颖的小玩意儿。 I bought some novelties on the boardwalk.
- 如果你要的话,我可以给你买顶帽子。 If you want, I could buy you a hat.
- 她买了一件仿照巴黎流行式样而做的衣服。 She bought a dress patterned upon a Parisian model.
- 如果你买十瓶化妆品,我将额外送你一瓶。 If you buy ten bottles of cosmetics,I'll throw in another.