- 欲加之罪何患无词 if you want to condemn sb. you can always find out a charge
- 欲加之罪,何患无词。 Hard words break no bones.
- 欲加之罪, 何患无词。 If you are out to condemn sb, you can always trump up a charge.
- 欲加之罪,何患无词 if you are out to condemn sb., you can alway trump up a charge
- 懒汉辩解,何患无词。 Idle folks lack no excuses.
- 欲加之罪,何患无词。 If you are out to condemn sb., you can always trump up a charge.
- 欲加之罪,何患无词(谗言可畏)。 Give a dog a bad name and hang him.
- 暗无天日 (said of a nation, locality etc.) total absence of justice
- 他患了流行性感冒。 He is sick with influenza.
- 引导词 introducer
- 无可替代 can not be substituted
- 汝欲何往? Whither goest thou?
- 患近视的人一般都戴眼镜。 Nearsighted people usually wear glasses.
- 把这词括在圆括号里。 Put the word in parenthesis.
- 六神无主 in a state of utter stupefaction
- 他患晚期癌症。 He is suffering from terminal cancer.
- 何地 where
- 他以用字遣词清新生动见长。 His diction is noted for its freshness and vividness.
- 爱无止境 my heart will go on
- 他正患鼻粘膜炎。 He was suffering from nasal catarrh.