- 高松年汪处厚两人低声密谈。 Kao Sung-nien and Wang Ch'u-hou talked confidentially in low tones.
- 他在兴别人密谈。 He was closeted with someone else.
- 看来两位领导人正在进行密谈。 It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks.
- 他们低声辩论。 They debated it in whispers.
- 他们和经理进行私下密谈。 They went into a huddle with the manager.
- 她低声地很快地说着话。 She spoke low and hurriedly.
- 任何历史文件都没有记录这次密谈。 The secret dialogue was not recorded in any historical document.
- 她低声祷告。 She murmured a prayer.
- 他在低声自言自语。 He is murmuring to himself.
- 我当时的感受,只能在法官的密谈室里(非公开地)表达》。 My feelings at the moment can only be express in camera.
- 她低声地说。 She said it in a whisper.
- 你能看到这两个人整天逛来逛去,头挨着头没完没了地密谈。 You could see these two roaming about all day long with their heads close together in an everlasting confab.
- 低声哼唱催眠曲 croon a lullaby
- 阿拉宾先生到牛津去不久便和学院的尊严可敬的院长关起房门来密谈。 Mr. Arabin went to Oxford and soon found himself closeted with the august head of his college.
- 我低声对他说话。 I spoke to him in a whisper.
- 这些密谈是否加快了和平进程,以至于和平问题到现在还踌躇不前,没有结果? Did these closet encounters advance the peace process, still stumbling along today without getting close to fruition?
- 低声祷告 dronea prayer
- 英王和克拉克将军在蓬车里进行密谈,克拉克将军吩咐副官查一下引起爆炸的原因。 The king and the general held secret talks in the truck and the genral gave orders to his aide to find out the cause of the explosion
- 她很低声地讲的这话。 She said it in a very low voice.
- "她来了,"他低声地说。 "She is coming," he whispered.