- 猎头 hunter
- 佃 farmer
- 猎头公司 head-hunting company
- 猎狐 fox-hunt
- 不准退佃。 Prohibition on cancelling tenancies.
- 猎区 hunt
- 久佃成业 A long tenure becomes the owner
- 猎食 ravin
- 自耕[佃]农 a landed [ tenant ] farmer
- 猎艳 cruise
- 中国的租佃制 land tenancy system in China
- 猎人们在密林深处宿营。 The hunters camped in the midst of the thick forest.
- 老猎人在那天晚上猎到两只狼。 The old hunter accounted for two wolves that night.
- 撤佃 take back the land rented to a tenant
- 租佃 tenancy
- 猎鹿人 deerstalker
- 租佃关系 tenancy relationships
- 盗猎 hunt
- 出佃 farm out
- 狗循气味追猎狐狸。 Dogs scented after foxes.