- 探 to explore
- 伺 wait on
- 嗅探器 sniffer
- 探析 analysis
- 神探 expert detective
- 丙伺 acetone
- 星探 talent
- 伺其不备 watch for a chance to take sb. by surprise
- 探秘 explore secrets
- 男伺 foot page
- 伺隙 wait for a chance; watch for an opportunity
- 探出 nose
- 伺侯 wait upon; serve
- 探员 spy
- 伺假 wait upon; serve
- 警探 police-spy
- 伺奉 serve
- 探知 ascertain
- 服侍的服伺他人的 Serving attendance on someone.
- 悬伺 rope suspension bridge