- 啧啧称善 praise with clicking of the tongue; be profuse in one's praise; give unceasing praise
- 点头称善 nod and express approval
- 称 suitable
- 昵称 pet name
- 众口铄金 public clamour can confound right and wrong
- 众口难调 it's difficult to make everyone feel satisfied
- 善待 be kind to
- 人称 person
- 称重 to weigh
- 善行 benignity
- 多愁善感的 moonstruck
- 第一人称 first person
- 众口流传 spread from mouth to mouth
- 称量 metage
- 亲善 goodwill
- 众口喧腾 All mouths are brawling
- 据称 purportedly
- 众口如一 with one voice; All agree in saying; Everyone says so
- 乏善可陈 of inadequate achievement
- 第三人称 third person