- 我按企图盗窃罪逮捕你。
I am placing you under arrest for attempted burglary.
- 他企图欺骗我们,但没有得逞。
He was foiled in his attempt to deceive us/His attempt to deceive us was foiled.
- 他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果,被控以诽谤罪。
His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel.
- 经理企图以解雇来威胁,迫使职工更卖力气。
The manager tried to bully his men into working harder by threatening them with dismissal.
- 囚犯们企图和看守做换取自由的交易。
The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for their freedom.
- 他企图挑拨他们打架。
He tried to provoke them into fighting.
- 我非常讨厌他企图干涉我的工作。
I bitterly resent his attempts to interfere in my work.
- 他们企图推翻国王。
They attempted to overthrow the monarch.