- 短击 short jab
- 如果您以短文件名传递,则它将扩展为长文件名。 If you pass in a short file name, it is expanded to a long file name.
- 善于短击的拳击手 infighter
- 长 long
- 击 to hit
- 短信 note
- 短 short
- 点击 [计算机]click, to click on
- 长的 full-bottomed
- 拉丁文大写字母A随以短音符 Latin Capital Letter A With Breve
- 长大 grow up
- 双击 double-click
- 乘以 multiply ... by ...
- 以後 heresfter tim.
- 以人为本 people oriented; people foremost
- 长达 extend as long as
- 以太网 Ethernet
- 最长 longest
- 短的 short
- 以防 lest should