- 今天早上他在哪里? Where is he this morning?
- 今天早上他差一点被一匹脱缰的马从身上踩过。 He had a good right to be run over by a runaway horse this morning.
- 今天早上他在家。 He was home this morning.
- 今天 today
- 至于那孩子,我不知道他在哪里,也不想管他了,让他见鬼去吧。 As for that boy, I don't know where he is, confound him," says he, "nor I don't much care.
- 今天早上他收听到开罗电台的广播。 He picked up Cairo on his radio this morning.
- 温克,我知道他在哪里,鸽子的粪便。 Freddy Verstuyft: Vincke... I know where he is... pigeon shit.
- 今天早上他买了一张熨衣台。 He bought an ironing table this morning.
- “老实说,我真的不知道他在哪里。”在那里闲荡的麦克斯说。 "Honest, I don't know where he is", said Max, who was lounging there.
- 不管他在哪里,他总是要参加劳动。 Wherever he is,he makes it a rule to take part in physical labour.
- 今天早上他觉得身体有点不舒服。 He is feeling rather off colour this morning.
- 他在今天下午的发言中提出了自己的观点。 He lay out his view in a speech this afternoon.
- 以不起,我不太清楚今天早上的事情,我昨天很晚才睡。 I'm sorry, but I'm not quite with it this morning. I was up very late last night.
- 于是,第二天早上他到楼顶花园散步时,她把一枚钉子钉在了苍蝇停过的地方。 So the next morning when he was out taking a walk in the roof garden, she hammered a nail exactly where the fly had stayed.
- “老实说,我真的不知道他在哪里。”在那里闲荡的麦克斯说。 'Honest, I don't know where he is', said Max, who was lounging there.
- 今天早上报纸里有点什么新闻? What news is there in the papers this morning?
- 这个人热爱他的工作,有时甚至会看不到生意在哪里结束,他在哪里开始工作。 Here is a man who loves his work and sometimes fails to see where the business ends and the man begins.
- 今天早上他给朋友写了信。 He has written the letter to the friend this morning.
- 他在哪里,法令就行在哪里,他在法国被捕,他的头颅就要被索取了。 There he was, and there was the decree; he had been taken in France, and his head was demanded.
- 今天早上他走得很快。 He made good time this morning.