- 人流感正粘病毒A型 Human orthomyxovirus type A; Myxovirus influenza-A huminis
- 猪流感正粘病毒A型 Myxovirus influenza A suis; Myxovirus influenza-A suis; Porcine orthomyxovirus type A
- 马流感正粘病毒A型 Equine orthomyxovirus type A; Myxovirus influenza-A equi
- 流感正粘病毒B型 Myxovirus influenza-B; Orthomyxovirus type B
- A型人流感 human influenza A
- 流感正粘病毒C型 Influenza C virus; Myxovirus influenza-C
- 流感正在蔓延--传染的人越来越多。 There's a lot of flu about people are going down (ie catching the disease) like ninepins.
- 流感病毒A型 Influenza A virus
- 禽流感是由一种正粘病毒或称为流感病毒引起的,同组病毒在致病性和毒力上有较大的差异, Avian influenza is caused by an orthomyxovirus, or influenza virus. Viruses in this group vary widely in their pathogenicity or virulence.
- 粘类小麦雄性不育系 wheat male sterility of Nian type
- 鸭流感病毒A型 Avian orthomyxovirus type A; Duck influenza virus
- 当时,政府正尽力贯彻“计划生育”政策。 The government was trying to carry out the policy of "family planning"
- W型蓄热式辐射管表面温度分布的数值模拟 Numericai simulation on the surface temperature distribution of a W-shaped radiant-tube with regenerative burners
- 正粘病毒 influenza virus
- Multiplex PCR基因型鉴定表明HBV-Brandt属于乙型肝炎病毒A型。 Multiplex PCR showed that HBV-Brandt is HBV genotype A.
- 正粘病毒科 orthomyxoviridae family
- A型流感病毒跨动物种感染机制的研究进展 Progress in infectious mechanism of influenza A virus in different animal
- 正粘病毒感染 Orthomyxovirus infection
- A型流感病毒核蛋白噬菌体单链抗体的原核表达 Expression of phage single chain antibody against nucleoprotein of influenza virus type A in prokaryote
- 正粘病毒科致疾病 Disease due to Orthomyxoviridae