- 他们相互交换了人质。
They exchanged hostages with each other.
- 你的书好像比我的有意思,你愿意(和我)交换吗?
Your book looks more interesting than mine: do you want to swap (with me)?
- 我想用迈克尔·杰克逊的录音带交换你的布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷唱片集。
I'll swap (you) my Michael Jackson tape for your Bruce Springsteen album.
- 既然你喜欢我的连衣裙而我也喜欢你的,咱们交换好吗?
As you like my dress and I like yours, shall we do a swap?
- 读者来信版是读者们交换意见的有益园地。
The letters page serves as a useful forum for the exchange of readers' views.
- 在会上,我们就此事交换了意见。
We exchanged our opinions about the event at the meeting.
- 他给我一个苹果,交换一个橙子。
He gave me an apple in exchange of an orange.
- 在这些岛上仍然实行着物物交换的制度。
On these islands a system of barter is used.