- 俐落 well-executed
- 乾脆把他看成是个古怪的讨厌家伙不去理他,不就完了吗。 It's easy to write him off as just an eccentric old bore.
- 他俐落地跳过那条小溪。 He jumped clean over the brook.
- 她回答得很乾脆. Her answer came pat.
- 蛮俐落的 spiffy
- 乾脆地 simply
- 落 leave behind
- 她看上去总是整洁、俐落。 She always looks neat and trim.
- 乾脆拒绝 rebuff
- 俐 clever
- 乾 male
- 脆 crisp
- 落下 fall
- 他赢得乾脆. He won outright
- 圣者画家采用了非常大胆而俐落的手法。 The saintly artist adopted quite a bold and definitive drawing technique in this piece.
- 乾燥 dry
- 脆的 fragile
- 落到 befell
- 脆皮 crackling
- 落魄 abjection