- 新型宽域X线增感屏的研制 Develop of a New Wide-range X-ray Intensifying Screen
- 在增感屏-胶片-药水系统广泛的设计和制造经验基础之上研制而成,因此,柯达药水在诊断可信度、工作流程、健康、安全、环境和收益率等方面上均可获得令人满意的效果。 Developed based on extensive experience in designing and manufacturing screen-film-chemical systems, KODAK Chemicals favorably impact diagnostic confidence; workflow; health, safety and environmental issues; and your bottom line.
- 依年龄确定小儿胸部X线摄影曝光量与CR应用研究 Determines the Child Chest X-ray Photography Exposure and the CR Applied Research According to the Age
- 适用于炭制品和炼钢用增炭济。 The graphite powder is used chemical for carbon products and as the carburetant for the manufacture of iron and steel.
- 胎盘X线摄影 radiographic xlacentography
- 彩色摄影用负片ISO感光度的测定 Determination of ISO speed of colour negative films for photography
- 适用于炭制品添加剂和炼钢用增炭剂。 The graphite powder is used as the chemical additives for carbon products and as the carburetant for the manufacture of iron and steel.
- 体层X线摄影 analytical roentgenography
- 体模X线摄影 phantom radiography
- 增感法(使菲林提高感旋光性能) hyper sensitizing
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 非X线监视 without X-monitoring
- "厕所还是塞住了,我已经试过用水冲了好几次,但没有效果。" "The lavatory won't flush; I've tried flushing it several times, but it won't work."
- "Harmsworth先生," 我用微弱的声音说。 "别打断我的说。" 他说。 "Mr Harmsworth, " I said in a weak voice, "Don't interrupt, " he said.
- 体视X线摄影 stereoskiagraphy
- (桥牌)区分将价值最高的牌的得分与墩数得分分屏的桥牌记分表上的水平线 A horizontal demarcation on a scorecard in bridge dividing the honor score from the trick score.
- 三乙醇胺作增感剂原子吸收光谱法测定钙的研究 Determination of calcium by atomic absorption spectrometry method using triethanolamine as sensibilized reagent
- "爸,今晚我用一下车子," 他说。 "除非我死了!" 他父亲答道。 "I'm going to take the car tonight, Dad, " he said. "Over my dead body!" his father answered.
- "我们公司有一批备用汽车,因此,如果需要,我随时都有汽车可用。" "Our firm has a car pool, so if I need a car there's always one there."
- 钼靶X线检查 x-ray mammography